Equity in Public Contracting

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Name: Equity in Public Contracting
Date: January 25, 2022
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM PST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Equity in Public Contracting: Coming Changes to Diversity and Inclusion in State Public Procurements

Governor Inslee has recently rescinded the prior directive, 98-01, which provided direction to state agencies in their compliance with the provisions of I-200. That executive order is being replaced by a new directive, 22-01, "Equity in Public Contracting."

Mr. Earl Key, Direct of the Office of Equal Opportunity with WSDOT, has graciously offered to meet with the ACEC Washington membership to explain the impact of the Governor's action on the procurement and performance of engineering and other professional services at WSDOT. 

This presentation is hosted by the ACEC Washington Diversity, Equity Inclusion, and Belonging Committee. Please join us for Director Key's presentation and the ensuing question and answer period. 
Registered participants will receive a Zoom link
Date/Time Information:
Tuesday, January 25
10:30-11:30 am
Contact Information:
Claire Inslee
Free to all registrants
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